Wind Turbine Siting
The Nature of the Surrounding Site
Your surrounding landscape will have features which will determine wind speed and wind turbine siting. Landscape features, from relatively smooth surfaces such as freshly mown grass, through to meadows, bushes, tress and dense woodland, will all have the effect of slowing down the wind. These effects are accounted for by applying correcting factors to the AMWS (Annual Average Mean Wind Speed). To evaluate your site we apply 1 of 5 terrain categories, considered over a distance 1 km from the turbine(s):
Category 1
Flat grassland, parkland or bare soil, without any hedges and only a few isolated obstructions.

Category 2
Gently undulating countryside, fields with crops, fences or low boundary hedges and few trees.
Category 3
Farmland with high boundary hedges, occasional small farm structures, houses and trees etc.

Category 4
Woodland or low rise urban/suburban areas (e.g. domestic housing) with a plan area density of up to about 20%.
Category 5
Dense urban areas and city centres (e.g. buildings of four-stories or higher) with a plan area density of greater than about 20%.

The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) is an internationally recognised quality assurance scheme supported by the Department of Energy and Climate Change. MCS certifies micro generation technologies used to produce electricity and heat from renewable sources. MCS installation guidance for good wind turbine siting practice applies to all sites and can be viewed in full by clicking the link here.
If you have a potential site for generating electricity using wind power, and have any questions about wind turbine siting, please contact us for a discussion. We are able to use online maps and ordinance survey data to assist you on making the decision as to whether or not to pursue your wind turbine project.
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