Hydroelectric Energy

The power available to a hydro system comes from both the flow and the pressure created by trapping water to create some height. This generally means that a hydro system can generate a great deal more than its windy equivalent. We can take an undeveloped site and turn it into an energy producing generation station, producing clean energy for many years into the future.
If you have access to a flow of water which can be damned or piped to create a height difference then you could have an opportunity to harness the flow and generate your own electricity.
The first step is to carry out a feasibility assessment to work out how much height difference or head can be achieved. The head is then used with the flow of water to evaluate if there is a resource worth tapping into. We can help you from these early stages, to design, consenting and installation. We also carry out all the preventative maintenance required to ensure trouble free, long life operation.
Considering a hydropower project? Get in touch today to talk through your sites potential.
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